"Say What you mean, mean what you say, without being mean."

That is the team mantra at MissCommuniTeam.

MissCommuniTeam is the global leader in safe space advocacy strategies for women

All solutions and courses are uniquely developed by Jan Daudi though independent research and validation with real women in trainings

MissCommuniTeam Mindset

"Your Word is your World"


The Scope Our Services

1:1 and Group Coaching.

Safe space Workshops for Families, Corporate Teams, Government Officials, Schools and Educational Institutions.

so that they can provide the best support and services that allow people to thrive and not just survive.

1:1 Coaching offers perosonalised trainings that give clear advice and solidarity with those that are struggling with safe space abuses or have no one to assit

B2B Consulting.

A done for you safe space strategy course for leaders to gain best practice Human Resources certifications. This will allow you to have a "Safe Space Strategist" in your ecosystem facilitate the needs of those that have already established their safe space personal plan, or wish to benefit from the trainings supported by the company from MissCommuniTeam

Online Courses

from Elite Bussiness Communications Programs covering magnetic messaging, sales trainings, the psychology of crisis communications and public speaking / pitching.

Certifications For leaders that what to be recognised as a "safe space strategists" in their workplace or who wants to advocate for others in the management of safe spaces in various contexts.

MissCommuniTeam offrers a private paid membership community with unique trainings from experts every week.

The "Team" membership program in by invitation and interview only as it is a curated think-tank. A free social media private group provides a safe space to share your journey.


Core Communications Trainings

The Complete Business Bootcamp

Communications Skills for Entrepreneurs

12 Lessons

Online and 1:1 weekly coaching calls

10 Weeks

Safe Space Awareness Level 1

Designing Your Personal Safe Space Self Advocacy Strategy that actually works for you

4 Lessons

Online and 1:1 weekly coaching calls

4 Weeks

Safe Space Awareness Level 2 for Leaders

Management of safe spaces at an organisational Level.

6 Lessons

Online and 1:1 weekly coaching calls

6 Weeks

Join Our Elite Membership

For Weekly Uploads 1st

Community Support

Live Q and A Sessions

The Life Library


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Office: Sharjah, UAE.

Seneca Associates Ltd.


Site: www.misscommuniteam.com

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